Liturgia Mary Magdalene feast July 22nd St.

According to the testimony of the Gospels, Mary Magdalene was one of those women from Galilee who accompanied Jesus and served him. She stood under the cross of Jesus with Mary and John and other women and was present when his body was placed in the grave. She hurried to the tomb on Easter morning and was the first of all to meet the Lord after his resurrection. Jesus commissioned them to bring the message of his resurrection to the disciples. In the 3rd century Hippolytus of Rome gave her the honorable title “Apostle of the Apostles”.


The Lord said to Mary Magdalene: Go to my brothers and tell them: I am going to my Father and your Father, my God and your God . Cf. Jn 20:17 Gloria.


God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Saint Mary Magdalene, was allowed to see the risen Christ and be the first to announce the joy of Easter to the disciples. Through her intercession give us the courage to testify that Christ lives, that we may one day give him behold in his glory, who lives in the unity of the Holy Spirit with you and reigns for all eternity.


We ask you, Lord, receive our gifts, just as your Son accepted the service of St. Mary Magdalene, He who lives with you and reigns for all eternity.


Christ’s love urges us when we declare: He died for everyone, so that the living no longer live for themselves, but for him who died for them and was raised again. 2 Cor 5: 14-15


Almighty God, your holy gift fill us with sincere love for you. Following the example of St. Mary Magdalene, let us follow Christ, our Lord and Master, faithfully, who lives and reigns with you for all eternity.


Holy 3 , 1–4a: I found him, whom my soul loves – Mess-Lectionary V, 735 Or: 2 Cor 5: 14-17: We no longer judge Christ by human standards – Mess-Lectionary V, 736


Ps 63 (62 ), 2.3–4.5–6.7–8 – Mass Lectionary V, 736R / My soul thirsts for you, my God. (cf. 2) CALL FOR THE EVANGELIUM Alleluia. Alleluia, Mary Magdalene, tell us what did you see? I saw the Lord’s tomb open and the splendor of Christ surrounded by Christ – Hallelujah.


John 20: 1–2, 11–18: Woman, why are you crying? Who are you looking for?